Myntra all app now, will it loose organic traffic??

Myntra-Organic-Traffic has gone all app on 15th of May, so now what are the pros and cons of the same, will they loose upon customers? Will desktop buyers go mobile and shop from them? Or will they change the website altogether? Moreover, what will happen to their organic i.e. search engine results???

Demystifying the Organic Story, what will happen to the ORGANIC ranking of, how will it handle the search engine optimization part.

Myntra SEO Rankings, Organic Traffic
Well SEO aka search engine optimization is quite simple to understand i.e. Users should get relevant results while they are searching for some product or service, In case of Myntra we can see approx 603k URLs are indexed in Google and organic presence of the website is quite good.
According to Similarweb, the website is currently enjoying 21.8 Million users in which 23.48% visitors are from search i.e. a significant area of searches is from Google.
Now trusting Myntra’s calculations and delving inside the search metrics we could further dig to find that 90.98% is organic search traffic and in that also supposedly maximum share is of brand searches.
Still, in my personal experience Myntra was ranking on many generic terms in which brand keywords were not in the scene, but if we don’t fiddle with the gut feeling and go strictly by the statistics then theoretically Myntra won’t lose much on the traffic. But practically scenario can differ 🙂
While searching for Myntra or its ranking on any generic page, the website is showing a static page promoting the APP ONLY version, i.e. users are not been sent to the relevant search query which will increase the bounce rate and drastically reduce the avg. time on the website, and so the rankings altogether on Generic search terms are ought to fall. Of-course brand search will still maintain the positions but practically all the users from desktop would be lost (I don’t think that company actually cared for it), according to an internal source 93% of conversions from the website were app only and approximately 3% were coming from search, so it makes sense to go “App only”
But if a deep analysis is been made upon Multi-channel attribution in conversion then some strong analysis can be derived, (unfortunately, we cannot do that without analytic access).
Below chart clearly shows a high impact on the traffic since they opted for “App only mode” i.e. they have lost 45.5% of the traffic (combined channels) since Jan 2015 (40.1 Million), so will it not impact sales?









It will for sure, if you are losing traffic you are indirectly loosing upon conversions, maybe the impact is not clamant but gradually it will show its signs.


Myntra will for sure loose rankings on all generic terms as far as desktop is concerned and on the mobile also it will only show you relevant results when you are accessing ranked pages via “Myntra App” i.e. if you don’t have app installed you simply can’t get relevant results on mobile also, so if you don’t have Myntra App installed you cant even get exposure to new promotions, sales etc.
Simply they will loose upon new customer acquisition for-sure and due to fall in exposure, their current sales will also get -vely impacted. (The Impact will be visible to the company after 2 to 3 quarters)
If you have any views upon this do let me know by commenting.


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