Best for small companies having informational websites for Marketing
Best for medium companies having functional websites with logins, targeting conversions, lead generation etc.
Best for large companies having custom requirement, the cost will be decided as per scope of work.
Questions you might have regarding your project
We use all popular platforms i.e. WordPress, Shopify, Magento & even create custom websites on react.
A simple informational website with 10 pages on WordPress will take around 1 month in deployment. It will take 2 months with all testing including responsive.
Given that:
Any complex project involves 8 stages of development described on homepage might take around 4-5 months in deployment and another 3 months in testing and refining.
Yes we are experts in ECom website development in Bahrain, UAE and India. We have developed websites using Shopify, WordPress and Magento.
Organization should understand the dynamics between expectations and deliverable under a defined budget/timeline.
We have an expertise of 15 years in both development and Marketing of any business, so we can guide you as per your budget what route you should take.
We provide Digital Marketing/Automation and consultation in Bahrain
You can always contact us for any business requirement.
The proposal consists of 3 segments:
Ideally your marketing budget should be 10-20% of revenue, legacy businesses are recommended to spend 5-10% of the revenue.
Some industries are dominantly dependent on the marketing i.e.
These industries need to reinvest 50-70% of their profits to Digital Marketing.
You can have a budget idea on : Digital Marketing page
You can create you media plan with budget split on “Media Plan page”
We are not the best, but given the experience in different industries, we can proudly say we are good. You can always see our portfolio.
Our consultative approach always starts with a strategy directed towards attaining the objective.
We develop websites & do digital marketing. In simple words, we create your digital business.
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