Of working with themetaverse
Developed and created inDecentrand, Sandbox,Altspace, Cryptovoxel
In virtual real estatemanagement in
Created a community ofdesigners and developers –
300 creators
Moscow, Dubai, Buenos Aires, Decentraland,
Our energy and focus are going digital
1 trln dollars – the metaverse market will reach this revenue within the nextfew years
Audience analysisOne or several live broadcasts (optional)
Activities in multiple rooms
Questions to speakers are directly forwarded to their avatars through private chat
Population of Earth will spend at least 1 hour a day in the metaverse by 2026
Volume of sales in the metaverse in 2021. $1B is the expected volume by the end of 2022. And $5B by 2025
Those who visit virtual stores make a purchas
We develop websites & do digital marketing. In simple words, we create your digital business.